
Archived Projects:

O&M Manuals & Policies:

November, 2013 BCWRD Status Report

Burnt Creek Loop - Sandy River Drive Power Point

Hoge Island 2023-2024

Posted 8/09/23 (Wed) read more »

Sibley Island

Ballots for the Sibley Island Project were opened and tabulated on the morning of June 25, 2024. Draft results of the tabulation of votes indicate 35.6% for the project and 64.4% against the project and thus failing to meet the required 50% for the project to continue. The board will discuss and verify the final results at its next regular board meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Posted 12/27/22 (Tue) read more »

Missouri River Revetments & Easements Map

Posted 6/29/22 (Wed) read more »